Boat Disposal

Here at we work closely with Boatbreakers to help you find the best boat disposal solutions. We can cater for all manner of boat disposals from sunken vessels to unfinished boat projects or abandoned boats on your property. Boatbreakers are the leading boat disposal company in the UK and deal with thousands of enquiries every year with the aim of helping to keep our harbours, marinas and waterways clear of abandoned end of life boats.

Boat Disposal is an important yet largely vague area of the boating industry. Without any sort of funding it is usually left to the last owner of the vessel to foot the bill for the boat’s disposal. The average cost to dispose of an end of life yacht is around £800. And that doesn’t include the cost to get the boat to a position where it can be broken up, as many boat yards won’t let you cut up a boat on site.

Our Boatbreakers yard is the perfect place for boat disposal as we have the machinery and safe spaces to quickly and simply dispose of the end of life boats that come to us. It usually takes the boat breakers boat disposal team around ten minutes to crush an old wooden yacht if it’s been pre-stripped of any removable/recyclable items.

Due to the majority of boats made since the 70s being made from fibreglass the big problem in the boat disposal industry is finding recycle solutions for the waste material. Until there is a workable solution for this material GRP will unfortunately have to be sent to landfill.

Follow the links through to our sister site Boatbreakers and use our scrap calculator to gain an idea about how much it will cost for the disposal of you end of life boat.

Boat Disposal - Sunken Boats
Boat Disposal - Beached Boats

Got an Enquiry? Need to discuss your boat disposal needs?